2011 miles ticker

The Largely Irrelevant Weight-loss ticker

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


I have survived the Downward Spiral, though I will admit only to doing the advertised intervals (you'll understand when you've done it).

After last nights debacle I deliberately didn't kill myself on the first set, and that kept me going through to the last set. Overall the intervals ran at about 280 watts, so that was quite a bit down on yesterday. I could push the shorter intervals a bit more, going up over 400 on the very short ones.

Overall stats showed 29.3km and 555 calories burned, but very different calories to the steady state efforts I have been doing.

Haven't looked at the other video yet but obviously I couldn't tell you if I had (first rule of Fight Club is never talk about Fight Club.....)

I'm going to shower and sleep now.

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